Jay Srinivasan, CEO of Spoke, joins the aSaaSins podcast to talk about.
- Going after large incumbents like ServiceNow, SAP, and Salesforce, and how he landed on the problem space for Spoke.
- The differences between being a second time aSaaSin vs. a first time aSaaSin, and what has been easier and harder about each venture.
- Advice he WOULDN'T offer to first time founders and when is the right time to sell your startup.
- The importance of product, go-to-market fit when scaling, and why this is more important than product-market fit.
- Walking through the acquisition process for Jay's two startups, Appurify (Google) and Spoke (Okta).
Jay is currently in the Product Org at Okta. He was the co-founder and CEO of atSpoke, a modern workplace service desk that Okta acquired in August, 2021.
Prior to atSpoke, he was in the Product Org at Google after the acquisition of the previous start-up he co-founded, Appurify, a mobile testing platform for app developers.
Before start-ups, Jay spent 5 years at McKinsey and Co, and stints at IBM Research and Intel Research during his Ph.D. in Computer Science.